
Monday, July 4, 2011

Winner of June Challenge and Some Updates

Hello everyone.  It has been a busy time for me.  Just to play catch up, I just found out that my son who is the Marine, he is going to Afganistan next month.  I have been trying to plan on traveling down from PA to Fort Lee, VA to see him and take him to Bush Gardens.  He can leave the base on week ends but has to stay with in a 100 mile radius of the base.

In addition, things at my work are not real stable.  Next Spring not sure if the company will still be open or not.  I am going to my back up plan.  I use to be a licensed realtor back in the 90's.  I let my license go into ecrow back in 1998.  I have been out of the business for 13 years and have decided to get back into it.  The real estate market is going to make a come back and I am going to have my foot in the door when it happens.  But because it has been more than 5 years since I renewed my license, I have to retake my state board exams.  I am doing that on Wednesday.  So after Wednesday, I will post the July Challenge.

Ok, enough chit chat and my winner is Carla from Carla Cards, number 2 by  Congrats Carla on winning the mini album kit.  Please contact me with your address so that I can get it mailed out to you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, I have never won anything online cool!
