
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Santa Secret Swap From YPP

Hello everyone...   I didn't go into the real estate office for my floor time today..  double wami I guess you can say...  First, roads are not very good right now.  We got a nasty ice and snow storm early this morning.  There is probably 2 or 3 inches of ice under an inch of snow.  So, I stayed inside today, not that anyone would want to go see houses in this weather anyway.

The second thing is that I have a touch of something.  I started with a horrible cough on Thursday that continued into yesterday.  Thru the day I started feeling worse and worse.  I ran a fever all night.  The fever seem to have broken but I am sluggish.  I did still manage to clean up the house and getting some laundry done.  I want to do some crafting but just don't have the energy.

Anyhow....  while sitting here, wrapped up in my afghan my grandmother made me years ago,  I remembered about another orphan video that I shot last month and never got a round to uploading it...  I uploaded it today.
Hope you like it...  it is not the best...  still trying to master the taping thing.

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