
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Twilight Themed Mini Album Keychain

Good evening everyone...  I am up a tad late..  it is after 10pm and during the week this is late since I have to go to work in the morning.  Anyhow, I created a cute little mini.  I made a pattern out of a gum box and created a keychain.  I first got the idea off of Laura at FollowingThePaperTrail.

Also, I have opened a Zibbet shop.  I joined Zibbet back in June but just started listing.

My Zibbet Shop:


  1. A keychain or key chain is a small chain, usually made from metal or plastic, that connects a small item to a keyring. The length of a keychain allows an item to be used more easily than if connected directly to a keyring.keyrings online india
