
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

~~~ Design Chalenge ~~~

Hello everyone!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I did some black friday shopping.  I was one of the crazys out at 4am on Friday  LOL...  My boyfriend bought me a 10.1" Polaroid Android Tablet.  I am not allowed to have til Christmas..  I feel like a kid.  I want it NOW!!!  LOL...   But, what I do need is a case / stand for it.  This is where my challenge to you comes in....   I will give the winner of whose design I choose to use a grab bag of misc items like buttons, die cuts, flowers, pearls, lace and whatever else I find to include.

Challenge Details: 
  • Case made of chipboard or some kind of sturdy scrappy materials.  I am not good at sewing, so I preferr not to sew.
  • The case can tie shut or some other method, must be able to convert to an easel or some kind of stand.
  • Must fit a 10.1" Android Tablet..  Polaroid Tablet
  • Deadline:  Christmas Eve
  • Leave a comment with a link to your idea and tutorial
I look forward to seeing what you come up with.  I know this will be a challenge but I also know there are many many many talented scrappers out there.

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