
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Need Your Help. McKenzy's Story

Meet McKenzy Lynn Swope, born July 12, 2001.  Here is this brave little girl's story.......

A week before McKenzy's 10th birthday, she was diagnosed with a life threatening disease.  She started having nose bleeds and high fevers.  After much testing and misdiagnosing, they found out that she had Leukemia.  She immediately started treatment and soon after was sent into a seizure because of one of the medications.  This seizure put her in a coma and in the ICU.  Everyone was terrified and when she woke up it was truly a miracle.  The doctors weren't sure if there would be permanent brain damage or not.  They didn't know if she'd ever speak or remember anyone again.  When McKenzy woke up, she instantly asked for her mother which her family knew was a good sign.  However, her head kept leaning to one side.  She found it almost impossible to hold her head straight or look straight at who she was talking to.  After a while, this too went away.  McKenzy continued treatment and soon was told she was in remission.  She had only 9 treatments left in maintenance when everyone got the horrible news.  Her Leukemia was back.  She is now going through all of the treatments again and losing her hair again.  McKenzy is such a bright, smart and loving 11 year old girl and "crafty" too.  She is such a brave little girl.  She faces all of this with a smile on her face, never showing fear or weakness.  Her biggest dream is to meet her crush, Justin Bieber.

Now, for the part where you come in.  McKenzy's aunt works with me.  She said that McKenzy loves to do crafts.  Over the next couple weeks, I am taking donations for children's crafts that she can do in the hospital or at home.  McKenzy is currently back in Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh because 2 nights ago she started running a fever again.  The kinds of donations I am looking for are craft items suitable for children.  If you would like to send a craft to me, email me at and I will send you my mailing address.  The other option is you can make a monetary donation via paypal and I will go to Michaels or JoAnn's in my area and pick some items up for her. If you make a monetary donation, click the donation button below.  I want McKenzy's eyes to just  light up. 

Also, I am looking for someone willing to make her a smash / junk journal.  I am not good with these kinds of minis.  If you would like to volunteer to make one, leave a comment on this post.

Thank You for your support......   Leukemia is something that hits close to home for me after the horrible disease took the life of my cousin 2 1/2 years ago.....  feel free to include an uplifting card to McKenzy.

1 comment:

  1. I would be willing to make a smash like journal for McKenzy if you can send me some information about her likes. Is she a girlie girl, colors, patterns? You can email me at with the information.
    What a wonderful thing you are doing.
